Theres a difference between lesbians and trans people I understand that there was lesbains who did crossdress due to the unacceptable of same sex couples, however this is very obviously a story about a trans man maybe you'd be able to see that if you weren't such a asshole terf. You terfs are literally so mad about everything constantly I couldn't imagine being such a hateful and angry person 24/7 you treat trans people the same way homophobes treated gay and lesbian people.
Homosexuality has nothing to do with transgenderism.
Stating a biological fact isn't hate nor bigotry but reality. Sorry that truth hurts.
Transphobia lost its meaning with the trans people incels and their activists. Refusing to bend over delusion isn't transphobia. What would be REAL transphobia is insulting and physically attacking trans people.
Most trans people are delusional straight people wanting to act oppressed and offended by clinging on LGB human movement.
Transgenderism is a homophobic and sexist movement attacking women, LGB and children's rights.
Big corporations and celebrities who are virtue signallers are pandering to their whims.
A trans man is a woman
Alright sure sex and gender are the same thing and I'm gonna go have gender with your mom! see doesn't make sense.
Here are somethings homophobes have said sound fimmilar do they not? "gays are pedophiles who prey on children" "homosexuality is a mental illness" "you can be gay or whatever 'thing' you want I just don't have to accept it and keep it away from my kids" They press their beliefs on to gay people but insist that it's not harassment. hmm very fimmilar sounding...
Anyway thats it for replies I don't care that it won't get through your skull but go on and keep being an angry hateful person all your life. I'm greatful I didn't end up such a hateful person such as yourself.
Gender and sex are the same thing and synonym; what you call a social construct is gender roles and expressions which are very subjective and depend of the society and its norms.
You can be an effeminate man and a tomboy, this doesn't change up or gender synonym of sex.
Gender dysphoria is extremely rare and a mental illness, the word 'dysphoria' alone says enough. The rest just pretend to be the opposite sex because of fetishes, internalized misogyny and homophobia, most of the time it is either attention seekers or autogenyphile men.
The 2 examples you used are homophobic, but the third is not. LGB people do not care about validation, we want to leave our lobes peacefully without demanding anyone to change their beliefs for us, nor gay men invade women's spaces, very few gay men who mutilated their bodies in order to look like a caricature of women do that.
You can call me hateful as much as you want to, this doesn't change the fact that gender dysphoria is an extremely rare mental illness, and the rest is mentally ill people with fetishes and attention seekers.
this made me cry. i loved it but the misgendering only made me feel worse. he was a beautiful man