Loo this is so good. In raws I thought he practiced lines or something haha πŸ˜‚

sangrientaluna July 1, 2021 8:57 am

Loo this is so good. In raws I thought he practiced lines or something haha

    chadaaa July 1, 2021 9:14 am

    raws please?

    Tanx17 July 1, 2021 9:22 am


    shizu-chan July 1, 2021 10:18 am

    He was beinv half being his real self while acting at the same from a drama he watched lol. He'll turn it around quite cleverly hahahaha(β–°Λ˜β—‘Λ˜β–°)

    Lynn July 1, 2021 6:16 pm

    Do you have the link for the raw?

    jmseaki July 1, 2021 8:19 pm

    Can you share the link for the raw please?

    sangrientaluna July 2, 2021 1:18 am

    Send me pm I got raws. But haven't updated for the last one altho I had bought it

    sangrientaluna July 2, 2021 1:19 am

    Lol dm

    sohduh July 2, 2021 5:21 am

    ;o could u pm raw plz and tia!