-_- so youre telling me he shouldnt have any life. Ok wow very nice. Youre that kind of person that would put the soldiers fight nonstop in batle and wont even let them go home after it ends. The man took a vacation it how many years and so did Cha, Cha didnt have this sort of vacation in 12 years as she said.
So dude shut up cause as iv said they are peopke so treat them as such. Dont be dumb ok? Its kinda getting rediculous arguing with you as you have no heart. You would probably have people die in front of you and say that was their job, they died to protect me. No shut up ok?(⌒▽⌒)

Ok now its obvious im talking to a kid. The put the scene in the right place and let me explain ok? Sung jin wo knows that this may be his last fight as he could die. And all gates have been closed for 2 days and he has 2 free days to do anything he wants exept foghting so he decided to go on a day with the gorl he likes. Whats wrong with the position? Is he supposed to know the monarchs will sudenly appear 1 day before thae gate oppens? No he dosent knkw the future case closed.
the sudden inserted date for the romance to grow is so out of place like t-t, why'd they have to put that in the story