Oh yeah! I know it's been awhile since most of us have read this. I forgot to mention that Bern is Iris's brother.
Bern feels terrible after what he had done to his sister and as the story goes on, his character grows as well from my understanding. He sees how his sister is running the fiefdom and how much she loves it, so he decides to give his position as heir to the fiefdom, dukedom (idk how that's worded, but he wont have the title of Duke either). If that doesn't work, he decided he would go into exile and run off to another country so that they would have no choice but to give the title and everything to Iris.
(I'm not sure, but I think someone implied that this was one of the reasons why the princess decided to marry him so that he didn't need to go to those measures.)
Warning, these are rather big spoilers (please note I found these on the spoiler page, so they may not be 100% accurate.
Some about Yuri:
Yuri (the OGFL from the game) is the daughter of a maid who fell in love with her master, a nobleman (a baron or something, doesn't really matter tbh), and had a child with him. Somewhere along the lines the nobleman's legal wife finds out about all of this and Yuri's mother gets fired and kicked out.
Somewhere along the way her mother also was an attendant for the 2nd Queen (the 2nd Prince's (Ed) mother) who poisoned/killed the 1st Queen (the 1st Prince's (Dean (*cough* Alfred *cough*)) mother), who was also fired (I think the doctor who was sent to help the 1st Queen also poisoned her as well, as he was in the 2nd Prince's fraction). Honestly, this bit wasn't very clear how it all played out exactly.
Yuri and her mother where living a hard life after this, and when her mother became ill she went to her father for help, but he wouldn't even give her the time of day and shunned her. Her mother ends up dying soon after. This is when she realized that he saw hee mother as nothing more than a plaything to be used and thrown away. She hated men. She hated the country she lived in and tbh I'm not even sure why that was, it may have been mainly directed towards the nobles and the royal family. Yuri wants to watch this country crash and burn, she wants revenge for everything she went through.
So, in chapter 58ish in the manga where Divan (I believe) says that she's like her mother when she was saying how cute the prince was, that's why she reacted so strongly. She doesn't want to become so in love with a man that it she loses her senses and have that person stab her in the back and/or have love ruin her life.
"Note: in the raws the story is completed.
From What I remember (sorry can't get into details...) Oh...please tell me if I am wrong
- iris get proposed by neighbor kingdom's prince because of her talent at business (?)
- she asked herself if she will accept proposal or not as there is crisis in her fief.
- Iris's father was unconscious (forgot if because he is sick)
- The King died. In some party after that ( Iris attend them) the queen faction want to make Ed (2nd prince) to be a king. But suddenly, Dean appear and revealed his identity as the 1st prince.
- Dean revealed about some shady thing or something. I think it is about Divan being a towair kingdom spy.
- Iris's bro (Bern) was going to capital, but in his journey he saw some scene like hell (something like many corpses..people died)... He then cut his hair, and vowed that he will never let this happen again.
- Towair kingdom attacked...One of places get attacked is Iris's fief. She then send the letter of approval or something for another fief soldiers to help fight against invader. And she too asked Anderson's help (the general aka Iris maternal grandpa family).
- Bern meeting with Dean and Letty in capital. He then tell them how he thinks Iris is better to govern the fief than him. And he will step down from the heir position or maybe exiled himself so that Iris stay as fief lord. (It is better than Iris married to another country). And reasoning that married Iris to another country will make their country loss.
- Mellice (Iris mother) was in her maternal home when she heard about the attack. She then take back her position (as military genius) and go to the war with her troops.
- Iris want to evacuate her people but the people doesn't want to. They want to help as it is their own home.
- Hearing the attack, Dean was really worried, he want to join the fight but he has responsibility as the king. Letty then said 'go. I will help you from this side' (Letty will substitute Dean when Dean is in war). Then Dean go to help fight against Towair invaders.
- With help from Anderson's troops and all, they won the war. They bring a prisoner of war. He said that he was a prince of Acacia kingdom, some doubt him as why a prince from another country help the Towair kingdom. But, someone saw his ring that know that he was telling the truth.
- There is a really sad news coming. In the letter it is said that Dean is dead. He got shot with arrow in the chest(?). Iris get really sad until she get sick.
- Iris people investigated about the situation in Acacia kingdom she then know that there is some conflict between successors. Iris messaged them about the hostage prince, and one of prince comes (the one that proposed to Iris). They then negotiate. When the prince proposed to Iris again, she rejected him as how the Acacia kingdom got involved with the Towair kingdom to attack her country. The hostage prince goes to his home and Iris gained good business partner.
- Iris get reminiscing when she saw the night sky. Then someone joined her. It is turned to be Dean. He is alive. He really got shot with arrow and the injury is really serious. So they decide to tell that he is died. I think they confessed to each other.
- Later in the epilogue, it is said that Dean and Iris get married with only their family as witness to the wedding. Iris stay as fief lord. Common people only know that Iris married a commoner. The commoner is like her right hand or something. Her husband is really mysterious to them.
- Leticia (letty) become the queen, she married Bern. And...our maid Tanya married Dida. The epilogue said that Tanya is pregnant.. Iris and Dean already have two children.
Dean married to Iris not as the king but as the mysterious commoner ( the king alfred was died get shot by arrow in the war against towair kingdom, but actually he was survive). So, no...they didn't get to be king and queen...but Iris was fief lord..(duchess..so she still stay at her job).
Letty aka Leticia is Dean's little sister from the same mother. Her appearance was similar to her mom that's why Dean didn't let her meeting their father as he know how obsessed his father is to his mother.
Later, Letty becomes Queen after King Alfred 'died' in war.
And what happened to Ed and Yuri...
Actually Yuri get into prison. Ed want to release Yuri as he really love her. When he meeting Yuri in the prison, there is some incident. I think there is this guard that with Ed when he visit her but somehow he went to attacked Yuri, but then Ed shielded Yuri with his own body. He then died. Yuri later (after conversation with Iris) realized that she actually loved Ed (I think)
Bern and Letty witnessed this incident without Ed party knowing." (Pg. 8)
- @Aeiru28
Who is Backing Yuri:
@Merugoround clarified that it's Divan backing Yuri, not Dean like many people thought within the spoiler page, this misunderstanding being, due to MTL being its normal and weird self. They also mentioned that after the confession between Alfred/Dean and Iris, she made it clear that she didn't want to leave her fiefdom, as she finally got the title of duchess and wouldn't give that up for him, as she really loves her people. Dean understood and was happy (tbh he never wanted to be king in the first place and this is also why his sister ended up taking up the throne instead), as he never wanted to take away her freedom by locking her up like his father did to his mother. Dean said that this is the Iris that he loves.
Foreign Prince:
There is a foreign prince who tries proposing to Iris a few times, mostly due to how well she ruins her fiefdom. I think she does consider it, because I mean, why wouldn't she? It wouldn't look good on her if she were to remarry anyone lower than loyalty, due to having been engaged to a prince beforehand, and this prince's country could really help her fiefdom as well. She doesn't accept though.
He does die at some point, but he was a dick so yeah. This does cause more tension among the two princes' factions.
"Dean reveals himself as Alfred but idiot prince gets all pissy and declares him an impostor. Knight captain comes in and idiot prince orders him to arrest Dean. Dean gives the order to arrest idiot prince and Yuri and knight captain complies. Yuri tries to charm Dean and Iris actually thinks he's falling for it but he actually just lean in and tells her something that causes her to burst into tears." (Pg. 6)
"Looks like we finally learn what Dean said that caused Yuri to break down. 'A pitiful pathetic doll that was abandoned by a doll maker. Divan has already pulled up from the kingdom.' " (Pg.7)
- @omegazx
I'm sorry that this all was so out of order, but here is the link to the spoiler page: