ok but what chapter does the dr cry, i read this bc i heard there was a top...
It was so cute. I am wondering is there separate manhwa with profesor Lee, ...
I really really liked this story’! I had first started this around 2021 ...
I feel like some of yall here are a little too comfortable defending Yoojoon. I'm not going to say any further because I've commented all I wanted to say before, but it's not easy to be in the position of Hyuk, he doesn't know anything about Yoojoon because the man is keeping things from him, and he is slowly getting the information from people he doesn't know, and the promiscuous lives they live will really make him question Yoojoon's sincerity. I hope yall remember that when he was starting to pursue Hyuk, unbeknownst to the latter, he was still fucking around. Yes, they weren't in a relationship back then but imagine there's a guy wanting to ask you out today and making moves on you but he had sex just yesterday...with 2 people. Yeah, no slutshaming here, but come on now don't lie to yourselves...