why is rape “necessary” to abstain from sex?

tomopiiro July 1, 2021 3:02 am

let me start it off by saying i’m really happy with the way the mangaka portrayed the rape, and how it actually was a big deal to the character.

it may be my personal bias, but it was upsetting that he had to get raped in order to not want to have sex, he could just have been asexual, and depending on his feelings he may or may not have been able to have sex. i understand that asexuality is not really something on everyone’s minds, i just think it’s a shame that it’s kind of an unwritten rule that you need some sort of trauma in order to not want to have sex. a more wholesome way would be that he is asexual, but still wants to please his partner in some way, and they work together to find a solution that is comfortable for the both of them.

am i reading too much into this? probably, but i just wanted to share my feelings regarding it.
this mangaka is my favorite, in no way am i having any hard feelings towards her, i mean this as a general thing.

    kittylover65 July 15, 2024 4:18 pm

    That's exactly what I was thinking about too!