Putangina naman

Ali July 1, 2021 2:17 am

Misunderstood or not, I've lost all respect for miss mustard. She CLEARLY said she doesn't like YOU. And motherfucker isn't it obvious that she likes her childhood friend? Fuck you. You're only making things harder for everyone here. All their little development goes down in the drain because of you. They were all right, YOU are a damned wench and a bitch. Fucking asshole.

AND YOU. If that musty mustard girl makes a move in you DON'T LET IT SLIDE COME ON. You said you don't want her to get "mixed signals" You're just doing the opposite you said if you keep this up.

AND YOU, LONG HAIRED LADY. Can you just do your research? You like her admit it. STOP SENDING UNCLEAR SIGNALS. If you like her back, THEN JUST SAY IT. You don't need to send mixed signals, and please don't make it seem that you're just playing with her feelings.

All of them are so fucking complicated. Remember guys, girls and non binaries, an open mind and communication are the key to a successful and happy relationship.

    EriShiina July 1, 2021 2:30 am

    i feel your frustrations

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻