Riftan probably doesn't want maxi to get overworked. He basically wants to spoil maxi to t...

levisword June 30, 2021 11:15 pm

Riftan probably doesn't want maxi to get overworked. He basically wants to spoil maxi to the max not makes her working all the time. Anyway it's still morning tho and it's better if wife takes care her husband first before he's getting off to work. If maxi wants to help ruth, i guess there should be schedule like working hours. Riftan wouldn't want if maxi working 24 hours to help ruth. I know ruth is someone who make maxi comfortable with his attitude. He's not awkward like other knights and doesn't act too polite like other servants so his existence actually make maxi not so lonely when riftan was gone for days, but he also should hold back that maxi is riftan's wife and his milady. He better make schedule to ask maxi's help. The way he pushed maxi right now is not the right time. Besides they better create some stuff to do a copy print.
