I dont blame cain OR yawhi for the way they are to be honest. Jooin is giving off mixed si...

honeycrisp June 30, 2021 10:22 pm

I dont blame cain OR yawhi for the way they are to be honest. Jooin is giving off mixed signals for both of them, so I can't blame them for their constant coercion.

    okeydokey June 30, 2021 10:30 pm

    yahwi raped jooin and treated him like utter shit??? yahwi is the fcking villain and does NOT deserve any good from jooin, yahwi doesn’t even want to see what the fck he did wrong so i best hope that he will not be forgiven ever. yahwi’s asshole behaviour does not have ANYTHING to do with jooin! jooin is great.

    honeycrisp June 30, 2021 11:04 pm
    yahwi raped jooin and treated him like utter shit??? yahwi is the fcking villain and does NOT deserve any good from jooin, yahwi doesn’t even want to see what the fck he did wrong so i best hope that he will ... okeydokey

    Yawhi is my LEAST favorite character, dont get me wrong. He's the least interesting character & the rape was 100% unnecessary. I want him out of the story as much as you do. However, lets not act like Jooin is all innocence here. He's leading Yawhi on when he should get a fucking restraining over and it's infuriating to watch.