Peter22 June 30, 2021 7:56 pm

Ok i'm just writing this story now, there is a rich family in here, it's a very tragic story. This family's name is Harrington, and i just found out that the ''dynasty'' series family has the Carrington surname. And i'm worried about that the people may think that i copied it. I don't know what to do ╥﹏╥
Could you please help me? I'm sorry if my english is bad but i'm italian and english is not my first language ( ̄∇ ̄").
Sorry for bothering, but it's very important for me ┗( T﹏T )┛ ...thank you

    Dee June 30, 2021 8:01 pm

    The name genuinely doesn’t really matter. Unless you copied the plot, you should be fine.