Yes, redhead has a name, and it is glorious!

kyra 23 August 22, 2016 3:03 pm

Mo Guan shan, you are a main character now. You can't avoid those three anymore. It's impossible so just let it happen.
Eating sunflower seeds (I love them too.) and gluing sunflower seeds to a window? (≧∀≦) He must have been really bored to do that.

    Rag Dog August 22, 2016 5:12 pm

    I'll just call him mo-chan then! That sounds cute as hell!

    kyra 23 August 22, 2016 5:48 pm
    I'll just call him mo-chan then! That sounds cute as hell! Rag Dog

    hahaha...that fits too.

    Ureka August 23, 2016 12:02 am

    he's must really doesn't have any works to do xD