Kimi wa Boku no Ohimesama (English Title: You are my Princess), Mask Danshi wa Koishitakunai no ni, Houkago Hachimitsu Bocchi wa Ikemen Bachi ni (English Title: Sweet Honey After School- The Loner Just Got Stung by a Handsome Bee), Hatakuso love step, Torokeru Chouai Celluloid (this is about a person with a emotionless robot personality and prince!), Spoon ga Magattara (English Title: Bending the Spoon), Egao no Ura niha (English Title: Behind His Smile), and Tadatada Suki to iu Dake de! Enjoy Reading~
Can someone recommend me BL with a (unsociable)cute uke and assertive seme