Ok I have 2 question and The first one is - 1. Who was the boy that Lucas has a connecti...

Daisy June 30, 2021 12:09 pm

Ok I have 2 question and The first one is -

1. Who was the boy that Lucas has a connection with and ,
2. I read a comment where the commenter said that the emperor's brother is also cursed no not cursed but made a deal at his last moment that is why he is still alive. (IDK if this is true tho but doesn't jennet also said he kinda strange or something like that as well when they were chatting.) Welp I have finished commenting now I shall go back to my corner to reread all the chapter's and have my moment of internal scream/silent scream again.

    SYNC_ronise June 30, 2021 12:14 pm

    1. The boy is Aeternitas, the boy who Lucas rejected to teach.

    2. When Anastacius was on the brink of death, Aeternitas possessed Anastacius's body, hence why the two are still alive even after being dead for quite a while

    Daisy June 30, 2021 12:20 pm
    1. The boy is Aeternitas, the boy who Lucas rejected to teach.2. When Anastacius was on the brink of death, Aeternitas possessed Anastacius's body, hence why the two are still alive even after being dead for qu... SYNC_ronise

    Thank you soo much I was actually thinking he really made a deal. anyways again thanks