
kiss my ass (kiki) June 30, 2021 5:39 am


i read this because i wanted to see some abs but this is literally so bad <3. first the first part where were the blonde guy gets almost raped is so fucked??? i get it its a common plot point in most smut but there isnt anything explicitly nsfw. its just a cash grab and a hooker for people who are into that shit. the female audience in front of the club went directly to thinking that it was two guys and they were doing it. this is obviously because they function as the self insert character of the straight women reading this. who the fuck thought using transvetite for drag queens as an ok thing to do??? if you dont know that term is outdated and been used to derogatize drag queens. this work is an obvious example about how harmful yaoi is/can be to the queer community just disregarding their two closeted main characters. im betting that the characters are just gonna insist on their "heterosexuality" but still date because duh mlm are only still attractive if you could still possibly date them!1!!1!!! guys guys please just realize that bisexuality is a thing - a bisexual.

if anybody is going to argue to me about how im wrong, dont. i wont reply or/and care either. just realize just how much toxic shit like this that youre consuming on a daily basis and praising queer fetishization. thanks.

ps i read this to chapter 10 w/ skimming. if a story is this much of a dumpster fire with light reading then its not worth picking up at all.

    Amy July 10, 2021 2:17 am

    The sexual assault of the blonde (during the first part where the rich older dude wanted to assault him) wasn’t shown to be romantic/hot. The main character (brunette) didn’t rape him. He was about to get raped by a bad dude.

    Posjejh July 10, 2021 2:31 am
    The sexual assault of the blonde (during the first part where the rich older dude wanted to assault him) wasn’t shown to be romantic/hot. The main character (brunette) didn’t rape him. He was about to get r... Amy

    Yup, usually the main issue with these is that it’s shown to be romantic. I’m queer myself and so far, I like where this has been going. I do personally see the main characters as bisexual men and I don’t see them identifying as straight.

    Bbfujoghurl July 10, 2021 2:41 am

    You just skimmed it. You're bound to misunderstand the pictures. The rape wasn't romanticised nor the drag queen. They were undercover agents. The guy have to dress like that so they could catch the suspect. Come on. There was no rape between the main character. You can't talk shit about the story WITHOUT READING it. You're just saying lies about the story. And you're totally wrong about the characters too. They never denied being attracted to each other. Stop being like this without reading. Are you a kid. All you said about the story are bs. Sorry. Read the story then say things. Don't just assume things. You're just showing how immature you are.

    Amy July 10, 2021 3:03 am
    You just skimmed it. You're bound to misunderstand the pictures. The rape wasn't romanticised nor the drag queen. They were undercover agents. The guy have to dress like that so they could catch the suspect. Co... Bbfujoghurl
