All of y’all who keep commenting, ‘I hate harems, or ‘please don’t be a harem’, ...

Alex June 29, 2021 4:27 pm

All of y’all who keep commenting, ‘I hate harems, or ‘please don’t be a harem’, or even ‘this manga should have stopped before I became a harem, should just be quiet. News Flash, things won’t always go have you want them to be, and why are you still here to complain about this harem manga you hate so much? If you hate harems so much then leave already! No one wants to see you complain about what should have happened. You bunch woulda-shoulda-coulda people!

    Penguin October 28, 2023 6:59 pm

    Stfu, they're allowed to have their own opinion. Plus, its so fucking rare that harems don't ruin the potential of the story. Its about time you realize how preferences work, dumbass. You'd know if u actually had a life, u fckinh creep

    Cheya August 5, 2024 1:13 am

    Try taking ur own adivce abt being quiet u harem addict. ofc ppl gonna be disappointed if something they dont like shows up and its understandable too. Mc a dam doormat.