Another rant bc I'm an aggressive beetch

12AMthots_ June 29, 2021 3:29 pm

I rly don't understand these men. If girls blushing, acting nervous and clumsy, etc. are signals to them that a girl is interested in them, and if they hide those physical responses to being around the girl they like, what signals is she supposed to go off of?? Stop the being "cool" and "manly" bullshit. That's just them suppressing vulnerable emotions that are honestly attractive when they show them. Boys blushing is rly fucking cute but you barely see it, while girls blush every other damn panel. He's tried to hide his jealousy, nervousness, and affection that he has towards her because it's his "pathetic side" but how the fuck is she supposed to know he likes her without assuming he's a fuck boy. And just because he never shows those emotions and interests he has that would be considered "feminine" (being dependant, submissive, talkative, emotional, and sensitive) doesn't mean she's wrong for judging him, bc how tf would she know?? He didn't even deny the damn rumor when she asked him, like sirrr?? Sorry for the rant y'all.

    Pluto June 30, 2021 4:48 pm

    It's just toxic masculinity

    Neith July 6, 2021 5:13 pm
    It's just toxic masculinity Pluto

    Ikr. And I don't think anyone blushes so much in real life. I mean they have to show it, but sometimes it feels excessive.

    I thought I was weird because I didn't blush. (I pity my younger self) my crush has these tomato red cheeks. (and they get even redder when she laughs or during summer. She's just so gorgeous.)