help i need advice

hana August 19, 2016 9:57 pm

so i have a friend who drink alcohol and do stuff. he said he does those things to get connections with others people at the party. this friend is really self centered, he think highly about himself. he drinks to the point where hes drunk. what do you think about it? I have no problem with drinking and do drugs. it doesnt make him a bad person but he act almighty and selfish. do you think drinking to fit in is right or wrong/ i dont drink or smoke.

    Vanya August 19, 2016 10:21 pm

    Alcohol and drug abuse is so wrong, no matter the circumstances, how is that even a question?! If your friend cannot connect with sober people while he himself is sober, then he has serious issues. I would distance myself from him and his toxic influence.

    Anonymous August 19, 2016 10:22 pm

    Ok fisrt of all, him saying that is just a fucking excuse.....people who think highly of themselves get the most pain in life...
    And him doing that is wrong if he keeps on doing it daily, it can kill him more faster when he's old....
    And drinking just to fit in? I get it he wants more freinds or other things but doing that just means he's two face....DONT DRINK JUST TO FUCKING FIT IT, THAT IS JUST WEONG.....

    Rosebud August 19, 2016 10:34 pm

    If he's a self centered and selfish person why are you friends with him in the first place? The thing about alcohol is not as important as how you feel about this "friend".
    Drinking and smoking doesn't make you a bad person you know right? If he only does it to fit in he's a bit stupid or very influenciable and if he does it because he likes it I don't see the problem. It's not wrong to want to fit in, everyone wants that but the way you try to fit in can diverse from person to person, you can do it the right or the wrong way.

    Jo' August 19, 2016 10:58 pm

    I'm just wondering why you're asking for advice on a manga website but i hope you get helpful answers.....

    hana August 19, 2016 11:26 pm
    I'm just wondering why you're asking for advice on a manga website but i hope you get helpful answers..... Jo'

    thank you. i trust this site and i believe people on here are good and they will get me their insight of thing.

    hana August 19, 2016 11:32 pm
    Alcohol and drug abuse is so wrong, no matter the circumstances, how is that even a question?! If your friend cannot connect with sober people while he himself is sober, then he has serious issues. I would dist... @Vanya

    thank you for you insight. i absolutely agree you!

    hana August 19, 2016 11:37 pm

    thanks everyone!

    peace_yow August 19, 2016 11:45 pm

    maybe you could tell him how you perceive his behaviour and how you think of him drinking to fit in (if you consider that person a more or less important friend). he might also not be too happy with his situation and saying things the way you see them in a constructive way is always good :)

    Hi August 20, 2016 4:11 am
    I'm just wondering why you're asking for advice on a manga website but i hope you get helpful answers..... Jo'

    I've seen so many people post about their personal issues on this website and get amazing, helpful advice!
    I think people post here because they know that the majority of the people on this website are very friendly and are willing to help a fellow fans.
    I've gotten more help here than I have on yahoo answers!

    Jo' August 20, 2016 12:31 pm
    I've seen so many people post about their personal issues on this website and get amazing, helpful advice! I think people post here because they know that the majority of the people on this website are very fri... @Hi

    Yeah and i guess the anonymity this website provides is an added bonus.