It's a BABY!! big bro just be her proxy until she's of age... Tf

Amator June 29, 2021 8:12 am

It's a BABY!! big bro just be her proxy until she's of age... Tf

    Woofzie July 21, 2021 4:09 am

    She should have played dumb..until she could understand her situation/,world better....Instead of saying, "I understand," or "I wanna listen.," She should have said...,",Brother, hug! Brother! Hold me!" It would have allowed her to be able to listen into his plan.

    Hopefully he is just trying to bait out her enemies. Seems like he is trying to teach her...but also make sure she doesn't grow up to have, "little emperor syndrome." But calling her ugly is a bit much lol.

    That crowd coming in while she is on house arrest...likely teachers