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errychu June 29, 2021 3:16 am

Start reading on chapter 33. It will continue on where it got left off from chapter 98

    errychu June 29, 2021 4:40 am

    I just finished reading it. Now I’m just sad. But I’m glad that it finally has a ending but man, was the ending quite rushed tho. At least it didn’t stopped updating I guess. I guessssss.

    errychu June 29, 2021 5:10 am
    I just finished reading it. Now I’m just sad. But I’m glad that it finally has a ending but man, was the ending quite rushed tho. At least it didn’t stopped updating I guess. I guessssss. errychu

    So I’m only going to say the main plots of the story since that’s really all I know. Basically, after chapter 98/32 he met his original sister that is now currently residing in his real body. The sister rescue him from the slave auctions and stuff. The MC also found out that Ancel wasn’t shock when he saw his sister during the chaos of the slave auction and knew that something is up. Then after awhile, the MC confront him and demanded to know the explanation of what’s going on. Ancel explained to him that he found out MC’s original body doesn’t have much time to live due to cell mutation diseases. Ancel tried every possible methods to cured him but he could not find any because the diseases was so rare that it’s incurable. Then Ancel had a talked with his sister who agreed and convinced Ancel to switch the body between the brother and the sister. Ancel denied the request at first since he knows the MC would not agree to switching bodies with his sister. Then the sister told him that all he had to do is not tell him anything. And that her wish was honestly to be her brother even if just for a moment. In the end, that was the only method to saved MC and that’s why he is currently living in the sister body and sister is currently in the brother’s body. However, the disease still exist in the original brother’s body. And I think that was the reason why she is researching a cure or making a new body for herself. After that many things happened *insert plots story* by the end of the story, the sister who is living in the brother’s body ask her companion to kidnap her brother and when they meet, she initiated a fight. In the end, she was in her brother’s arms after she was defeated by her brother as she said that she didn’t have time to live. Then she opened the door to her research/laboratory for her brother to see. There was also the parts where Ancel’s father wanted his son to get marry and that’s why he arranged a marriage partner for him already even tho Ancel didn’t want it. The partner was the MC’s ex girlfriend. The MC’s girlfriend and Ancel had a talk and she told him that to marry her no matter what and that she won’t regret it and stuff. So onto the wedding day, I guess her and the MC switched bride positions so that the MC can marry Ancel instead of her. Ancel was shocked when he realized that it was the MC underneath the white veil but accepted it and they got married. Then after the wedding kiss, He told Ancel that he decided to live on in his sister’s body. (I think it wasn’t the sister’s request towards the brother asking him to continue on the research and to live on or something) Then asked him if he is willing to help him change the world. Ofc Ancel said yes. That’s when the story ends. I simplified the story as much as I can but that’s pretty much the gist of it.

    errychu June 29, 2021 5:12 am
    Spoilers.....So I’m only going to say the main plots of the story since that’s really all I know. Basically, after chapter 98/32 he met his original sister that is now currently residing in his real body. T... errychu

    I can’t edit my comment but I made a typo. I meant to say WAS not wasn’t in “I think it was the sister’s request towards the brother asking him to continue on the research and to live on or something”