you can't just justify this by saying "i support it in fiction but not reality" because that isn't how it works. supporting it in fiction really isn't different to supporting it in real life. and even if it somehow WAS different, do you know how fucked up it is to support it anyways?? even in fiction?? do you know how much of a fucking slap in the face it is to actual survivors to fetishize rape in fiction? also i will say this again, gay men aren't just objects for straight women to fetishize either. im not saying its bad for straight women to enjoy yaoi, in fact its perfectly okay for straight women to read yaoi in my opinion, but labelling yourself a "hardcore fujoshi" and reading this type of shit is absolutely disgusting.

Didn't I tell ya that I Don't support rape even in fiction nor and toying feelings whatever. Bcs I also think that author carries important messages for society. Before I read something that was racist and I protest against it bcs it's a bad message. Anything that will give bad messages to society is unacceptable but still I love yaoi other than very bad things .I've always avoid twisted and abusive seme ofc I hate . Im a fujoshi but at the time I know what right and wrong. If anyone taking these thing seriously then they need help.

There has bad and good both side in every it's depend us what we choose to follow. If u hate yaoi then check webcomic there normal couple ml treats fl like trash it's All nonsense now . So many ppl run here to find their dreamy love and I think ppl love incest bcs both of them live together so they can be closer then normal gay couple and major priority is it's forbidden and u can see in most incest it's kinda forceful at some point. Some ppl love to domain and some love to get domain. . Other than incest I don't support any yaoi's bad side. That's it. And one last word if u Don't like then avoid it simple ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

ugh ... are you done?? does your comment made people stop making these kinds of manga? it's already 2021 and you're many years too late ... your comment is not something new as there are many people who said the same thing as you back then ... but did it stop people from making it?? and oh right I'm also surprised that you're here ... did you come here just to comment that?? good luck on expecting that your comment made a big impact ...

what hahahaha...........i know your comments is old but how is supporting in fiction isn't really different to support in real life? you think every people have the same mind? for you ,you will think about your family when reading this but for some people like me i don't have that kind of hobby .it's fiction and i never see incest in real life then how do i support incest in real life? you can't separate between fiction and reality . this is fiction it's the same like you watching murderer movie so does this make you become a murderer? i am just reading the story author wrote . and actually after i read this kind of story i realized japan really love incest .it's some kind of knowledge i got from reading yaoi
its absolutely astounding how much people think this shit is remotely okay. Yall will read manga that includes r*pe, p*dophilia, incest, and etc and then pass it off as "as hardcore fujos we've seen so much worse this is literally wholesome compared to other manga!!!" stfu. just because you've seen worse, does not make this anywhere NEAR okay. im so fucking sick and tired of yall fetishizing gay men and acting like it's normal?? or cute?? get help pls.