This is why it's so important to remember ch 74, 75 isn't canon, cuz Horus job in the stor...

RinRinRinB June 29, 2021 12:46 am

This is why it's so important to remember ch 74, 75 isn't canon, cuz Horus job in the story is to become the key for Seth to heal, to have his character development, and to realize whatever abusive sh1t that green bastard spouted at him isn't true (think of those chapters like a bad ending in a sim game its not the real ending)

And Horus, genuinely just wants to love Seth the right way, he doesn't even ask for it to be reciprocated (the smallest attention from Seth he gets is already enough to make him happy)
And it's interesting how much u can see the disparity between Osiris' "love" and Horus' love, bcuz for Osiris what he did was impose himself on Seth – he controlled every aspect of Seth's life, forced himself on him not only physically but in everything else. As if expecting everything he's done for Seth (which was totally uncalled for) would make Seth fall in love with him. Comparing to Horus who would even go against his nature (he was born to get revenge for Isis) who would even go against the world just to protect the one he loves all the while not expecting Seth to even thank him or look his way. You could choose for yourself as a reader which one harbors true love for Seth (as corny as that sounds but anyways)

I'm excited for season 2, I want the relationship of Horus and Seth to really be build up slowly (since Seth's trauma will take a long time to heal) and since Horus is a patient man without expectations from Seth, he's the perfect man to be with Seth while Seth heals.

    ZelAn June 29, 2021 1:57 am

    You understand! Thank you for this post. Horus is the only one who can understand Seth’s suffering this much and not just because he knows Seth isn’t all to blame.

    S2 is indeed focused on Horus and Seth’s romance! :) I’m excited. Horus is not entirely perfect perfect but he is near perfect, he doesn’t control Seth or is toxic like his father.

    Horus obviously doesn’t expect Seth to return anything just because he loves Seth, it’s a very strong and genuine feeling progressing more to romantic love. As you said, he went against his nature, and there have been times Horus defied his mother a bit.

    Horus does get happy even with the littlest attention Seth gives. He’s so calm as well and not pushy/forceful. So different from his father in all aspects aside from DNA, but that doesn’t matter since everyone is related regardless lol.

    “ And it's interesting how much u can see the disparity between Osiris' "love" and Horus' love”

    Right, it’s also interesting how some people think opposite. It’s obvious Horus understands Seth, I don’t get why people think he’s toxic. It’s ridiculous. So hopefully S2 will change their mind/perspective on how they see Horus cause he isn’t bad at all. As you said, Horus was born for revenge which is pretty sad.

    RinRinRinB July 2, 2021 11:50 pm
    You understand! Thank you for this post. Horus is the only one who can understand Seth’s suffering this much and not just because he knows Seth isn’t all to blame. S2 is indeed focused on Horus and Seth’s... ZelAn

    I just saw this reply sorry ajdkfjfj you're so right, I think people think that way of Horus because they fail to look between the lines. Not everyone understands why Horus does things, both irl and here in fiction, to the point even Seth himself misunderstood Horus' kindness to him. :") (But if you think about how much Horus actually loves Seth, he's actually a pretty simple guy, not at all complicated )
    I'm sure those readers will be able to learn the truth together with Seth in season 2 if it's focused on their love story