Kisses x Kiss x Kisses ^^ it's not finished, but it's rlly sweet :) one of my personal faves

i'm sorry i don't really have that much recommendations since i haven't been reading that much recently :( but here are some that i personally enjoyed. idrk if you have read them or if they're your type though.
(pretty fluffy ig??? it's not finished yet.)
(it's more comedic than fluffy though hehe)
(idk abt this one but it has school stuff and pretty cool LOL,
i haven't finished it yet.)
aaa im sorry i tend to type a lot. T_T
I don't know how to feel anymore, like I'll have some tears reading Manga and Manhwa's but then at the same time I don't really feel anything. The reviews of things that are recommended to me are great but then the story isn't that good.
Anyways, do y'all have any school fluffy Manhwa's and I'll only read a school fluffy Manga if the Manga is colored. No smut unless it's only like one chapter because I'm done with smut I rlly want something fluffy or rlly sad