Well, I already know his background story, I mean the MC. After reading everything, I concluded/based on my own opinion, if I were to be Wen or even in MC's position instead, I still pity Wen the most. This is a manhua so author can exaggerate that a human can't learn emotions are or how wrong something is. Basically, it feels like MC is in denial when it comes to doing something wrong. Not "don't know it's a mistake or it's okay for that mistake to be made." I can only justify his actions of not leaening human emotions or not feeling something IF he's locked up in some room since a child until today of his age and only getting visited, sexually assaulted and being told that everything is normal after all of that. That's HOW someone shouldn't know anything about his mess and reasoning hurting someone. But he isn't locked up now, even though he had traumatic exp, while working in a normal job now, he can learn everything on his daily life.Another thing is that WEN, is too kind, too understanding to the point that it doesn't make sense now. She's dumb too I think. So both of them, really doesn't suit each other.
Well, I already know his background story, I mean the MC. After reading everything, I concluded/based on my own opinion, if I were to be Wen or even in MC's position instead, I still pity Wen the most. This is a manhua so author can exaggerate that a human can't learn emotions are or how wrong something is. Basically, it feels like MC is in denial when it comes to doing something wrong. Not "don't know it's a mistake or it's okay for that mistake to be made." I can only justify his actions of not leaening human emotions or not feeling something IF he's locked up in some room since a child until today of his age and only getting visited, sexually assaulted and being told that everything is normal after all of that. That's HOW someone shouldn't know anything about his mess and reasoning hurting someone. But he isn't locked up now, even though he had traumatic exp, while working in a normal job now, he can learn everything on his daily life.Another thing is that WEN, is too kind, too understanding to the point that it doesn't make sense now. She's dumb too I think. So both of them, really doesn't suit each other.