Looking for a yaoi about twins. Basically one twin#1 become stronger to protect the other ...

Anonymous August 18, 2016 1:53 am

Looking for a yaoi about twins. Basically one twin#1 become stronger to protect the other twin#2, he thinks that everyone likes the other twin better coz he is nicer but a kouhei falls for him much to the dismay of the other twin#2 who loves his brother. Also in one chapter the twin#2 says to the brother that his lover wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them and they swap places to see what happens the lover of twin#1 pretends to mistake twin#2 for twin#1 which upsets twin#1 who thinks he really can't tell the difference. I'm sorry for the long explanation but I've been looking for this manga for so long!!! And it is not innocent maze. Please help!

    Jesss August 18, 2016 2:18 am

    not sure but maybe burning love twin?