Someone please explain to me.

AnimesLover123 June 28, 2021 10:02 am

Wait sorry can someone explain to me? How did YiYun have a child? So Rou Rou's dad is Jiyao?? So both Yi Yun and Jiyao do it with some girl and have babies??? I'm confuse.

    Caballero June 28, 2021 10:26 am

    yi yun had a surrogate, but there was a mix up and one of her eggs were inseminated with jinyao's sperm instead of yi yun's. so biologically, rou rou is jinyao's son. but we now found out that jinyao kept yi yun's sperm, but the aunt stole it and now has a child, that is biologically yi yun's.

    AnimesLover123 June 28, 2021 10:37 am
    yi yun had a surrogate, but there was a mix up and one of her eggs were inseminated with jinyao's sperm instead of yi yun's. so biologically, rou rou is jinyao's son. but we now found out that jinyao kept yi yu... Caballero

    Ohh finally I understand. Thank you very much.