Honestly, I'm just here to see her dad. Ray and Ren is just a big no.

Cynth June 28, 2021 9:02 am

Honestly, I'm just here to see her dad. Ray and Ren is just a big no.

    Panda June 30, 2021 6:05 am

    Honestly same. I had stopped reading this back when they had that big fight in the demon world and that stuff with erin and ren. I started reading it again recently and im honestly only reading it for daddy daughter sense now cuz nothing else makes me feel comfy. All the men around her are SO MANY YEARS OLDER than her and some of them have questionable feelings for her man. Like ren for example, and the dragon "kid". 'Sigh' Sorry for the small rant that was just getting under my skin.