Love is painful as much as it’s joyful!!

Black soulmate June 28, 2021 6:37 am

Some of y’all idea of love is not realistic. I’ve been reading some of the comments and I don’t understand what’s the problem with that the two main characters they seem to love each other it’s just sometimes when you love somebody so much you wanna do so much for them things get complicated it’s pretty normal. This is the most realistic love story!

    Gravenshi September 8, 2023 10:07 am

    If you wanted a realistic love story, why not read biographies or rubbit's posts? To be fair, when you read a BL, you ain't looking for a realistic story otherwise you would just be scrolling on MeYube. There is a valid reason why frame/frame manga adaptation to series appear stiff/cringe.

    With BL, you are looking for a fantasy. It is all part of a bottle of sensation, stimulation, vibrant and more often, exaggerate/dramatized circonstances. It far off from the reality who lacks of colors for the common folks.

    And if you think brushing away assaults is part of a normal love story, you are out of this world. If this little farce is the most realistic love story you ever read, I am simply sorry to find out you were not able to come across lovelier pieces.

    Black soulmate September 8, 2023 5:57 pm

    Don’t tell what to do! That’s your reason for reading BL but not everyone reads it for the same reason! If you’re not getting what you’re looking for go read something else don’t come to someone else’s comment from 2 years ago to talk nonsense

    Gravenshi September 8, 2023 9:20 pm
    Don’t tell what to do! That’s your reason for reading BL but not everyone reads it for the same reason! If you’re not getting what you’re looking for go read something else don’t come to someone else�... Black soulmate

    I can tell you what to do, you just don't have to do it. It's called free speech. And I did not tell you what to do : I asked a question and made reasonable inferences.

    That's not my sole reason for reading BL, that's the reason why BL is mostly written BY WOMEN mostly for WOMEN. It's ironic, but it is the reality. The vast majority of writers and readers are straight ladies giggling over those "forbidden loves". It makes me burst in laughter when after reading few BL, some ladies think they really understand gay-hood. Last day, I heard people saying the "no-no square" is not self-lubricant, which is biologically inaccurate.

    Firstly, if you don't want people to comment on your comment, maybe write it on your fridge, not a website when people can freely comment on. It's my right to voice my views in a civil manner. Secondly, the two years gap is out of my control - If you didn't care, you could have just ignored my reply. If it was not for the silent-treatment of the website, your comment will have been lost in maybe the last pages, leading to me not commenting on.

    In case you didn't know, you can disagree without being aggressive and make the whole thing an ad hominem. My point remains that this is not realistic at all. Sexual assaults are not "pretty normal" complications and this story is not the most realistic love story.

    We can agree to disagree. You voiced your points, I voiced mine. It's fair game.

    Black soulmate September 9, 2023 12:24 am
    Don’t tell what to do! That’s your reason for reading BL but not everyone reads it for the same reason! If you’re not getting what you’re looking for go read something else don’t come to someone else�... Black soulmate

    Don’t @ me block me bc you’re not trying to hear my reply stick to what you started with.

    Yeah, love is actually very complicated. Sometimes people get abused physically and mentally and those people stay with that person no matter what happens because they believe in that love , in its truest form, love has the power to both heal and destroy. I said it’s realistic, not right. There is a difference between the two.
    you can also disagree without being disrespectful and rude. If you wanted a a civil conversation make your point without being so condescending. I just give you the same energy that I got from you. You do understand I read this book two years ago and now I had to re-read it so we can have a normal conversation about but if you came here to start some kind of an argument just to make yourself seem right you’re not gonna get that here because I still stand with my points. Know if you’ve tried to have a conversation be civil, but if you just trying to argue, have a nice day.

    Aedojunhoe December 9, 2024 12:31 pm

    This is not the end, volume 3 is missing. I read it in Spanish, they end together