Horus' answers

mintcum June 28, 2021 6:17 am

"I'm greedy I want omnipotent power"
Chill bruh you're starting to sound like your dad HSJSKSK

"I want to see uncle's smile"
(ಥ﹏ಥ) that shit too cute

"Of course I look like my mother that's a ridiculous question"
Damn am I sensing some bad vibes???? I feel like Horus doesn't like Osiris that much lol

And bruh that question about Horus making Seth's clothes for their wedding and Horus seriously considering what Seth would wear LMAO

    Atlas June 28, 2021 8:48 am

    Spoiler for if you didnt read it yet

    Dude, horus knows what orisis did to seth- of course horus doesn't like orisis LMAO

    yiboslave June 28, 2021 9:27 am
    Spoiler for if you didnt read it yet. ......Dude, horus knows what orisis did to seth- of course horus doesn't like orisis LMAO Atlas

    really? (⊙..⊙ )

    yiboslave June 28, 2021 9:29 am
    Spoiler for if you didnt read it yet. ......Dude, horus knows what orisis did to seth- of course horus doesn't like orisis LMAO Atlas

    i mean like where?

    Quinn June 28, 2021 11:07 am
    really? (⊙..⊙ ) yiboslave

    sekhmet did said to horus, about jinx something xhapter 33-34 i guess

    Atlas June 28, 2021 4:39 pm
    i mean like where? yiboslave

    Another spoiler for if you haven't read it fully yet


    Its after the chapter where horus raped Seth XP

    mintcum June 28, 2021 8:51 pm
    Spoiler for if you didnt read it yet. ......Dude, horus knows what orisis did to seth- of course horus doesn't like orisis LMAO Atlas

    My memory is bad haha just thought how he answered was funny