There will always be people like the white haired butler in our lives buuuut.

Zealot_crazer June 28, 2021 5:46 am

We should make sure we have Nivea's courage to asl these people's well-meaning cowardice to back off. Trust me. There will be people who dissuade you because they care about you but it only shackles the spirit that is in you. If you love them, a lot, keep them at a distance. If your love for them is alright, cut the relationship off because, that my dear is also a form of toxic relationship. You're fire and she/he is water and together, it will only extinguish you, even if she/he is useful and needed somewhere else.

    vajavana June 28, 2021 10:12 am

    butler and eclise from death is the only ending for the villainess reads the same manifesto about love i think. they share the "i know whats best for you" thinking process