
sweetbun June 28, 2021 4:40 am

About the "promotion" and the redirecting... Apparently, the group in question (Imperfect Comic Scans) are NOT the ones uploading the chapters.

It seems that someone else cut the chapters off, and uploaded them here. For what purpose? I don't know either.

But whoever it is, please stop. You're making it worse for the scanlating group as well. They're receiving hostility for no reason.

Responses June 28, 2021 5:51 am

    ^^I'm the person who had uploaded that notice, so the wait will be quite awhile sadly but using someone else's name is just rude man, it ruins the scanlating group's reputation

    sweetbun June 28, 2021 5:54 am
    ^^I'm the person who had uploaded that notice, so the wait will be quite awhile sadly but using someone else's name is just rude man, it ruins the scanlating group's reputation

    Yes! For anyone else who is curious, please check's thread down below.

    Furrina June 28, 2021 8:46 am
    ^^I'm the person who had uploaded that notice, so the wait will be quite awhile sadly but using someone else's name is just rude man, it ruins the scanlating group's reputation

    I think it's probably a new member of the group or a fan of the original work who really wants the group/work to be popular.

    I used to mod a couple fansites back in the day (literally writing this makes me feel old) and when the original work starts gaining in popularity, then the new fans come in who sometimes can't understand the line between fans and authors. The kind that would harass the authors and/or the actors who played the roles in the adaptations. I felt pretty much all of my old fandoms because of that.

    But it still feels bad when someone who doesn't get the boundaries (like this uploader here) who pull shit like this and bring the hammer down on the whole group who just want to have fun with fellow fans.

    Furrina June 28, 2021 8:48 am
    I think it's probably a new member of the group or a fan of the original work who really wants the group/work to be popular.I used to mod a couple fansites back in the day (literally writing this makes me feel ... Furrina

    What they don't understand is that most of the fansites/scan groups etc work on the border of not-exactly-legal (we are stealing their content/intellectual property, but we don't make money from it so not exactly a crime), being brought into spotlight is the most dangerous, because that can make u open to scrutiny.

    Taylor Swift, for eg, was pretty known back then (idk now, it's been ages since I checked on her) for suing anyone who made anything that could even remotely be confused with official merch. JKR was(is?) also famously known for hating on the fanfic writers who wrote HP fanfics.

    There are probably other examples, but these are the ones I know because I used to be a part of those fandoms.