And that's exactly what he wanted he couldn't actually kill him bc of yoon so he killed his way of life. But let's be honest if u were a mafia leader and u knew ur lover(that u oh so passionately love lol) was raped by this person and on top of that they were trying to hire hit men to kill them u wouldn't do what he did? That's kinda insulting if u don't

Ms. Girl i may be short. Of hearin but my eyesight is certainly ok BUT SMALL????? Small???????? Yoon got kicked out for his sexuality the fact of the raping just added to the case..and i got a question if someone had a secret that cauld ruin your whole damn life.. Tell me that you wouldnt try to kill em
I understand the purple bitch did something wrong but thats kinda fucked up... Like If that happened i would force him to confess and stuff but not take there job and force them to stay in one place..like just Force him to confess and shit not take away there life's work.. But thats just my opinion