Except she acknowledged that dressing as she did could cause an incident and then was shocked when it... caused an incident? Also, how did she expect her country to send an OFFICIAL notice of visitation using a false name? Pretty sure there's a diplomatic issue just waiting to happen. Girl isn't thinking... and then she waltzes into another country like "I'm here to stop this war!" Savior complex much? She isn't the sharpest tool in the shed is all I'm saying.
I love the Emperor, even if he's a war monger. But... Charlie... Princess... why are you SO DUMB? You dressed as a foreign noble and thought nothing would come of it? And then, YOU GAVE HIM A FALSE NAME!! I mean, how fucking dumb are you? Thankfully the Emperor has a brain. Yet you STILL managed to complicate things because "book plot". I hope she gets smarter.