This dude really said, "I just fuck you and your nipples are piercing your shirt... let's ...

TwinMoles June 28, 2021 12:11 am

This dude really said, "I just fuck you and your nipples are piercing your shirt... let's meet my dad"

    Z907 June 28, 2021 12:14 am

    Lmfaooooo exactly what I thought like ok honey let’s go meet my parents after I spent three chapters fucking you senseless

    TwinMoles June 28, 2021 12:19 am
    Lmfaooooo exactly what I thought like ok honey let’s go meet my parents after I spent three chapters fucking you senseless Z907

    Pfffhahahaha my thoughts exactly
    And the fact that the other didn't said anything he was just like "okay"