Whats with all the straights here? Ew plz leave

Samkeesh June 27, 2021 11:50 pm

Whats with all the straights here?

Ew plz leave

    sunassplif June 28, 2021 11:51 pm
    Man stfu, the whole discussion is about how straight dudes are fetishizing it and how women shouldnt do it either with mlm, suck my balls bro dont reply to me with stupud shit Hotmeat

    “straight girl reading bl is also very bad” so we can’t read romance stories now based on our sexuality??(im not straight btw)anyone can read them as long as they aren’t fetishizing onto real life wlw and mlm. reading bl and gl doesn’t inherently make someone a fetishizerand no, id rather not suck your stank ass wrinkly balls

    Hotmeat June 28, 2021 11:59 pm

    Fetishizing fictional gay ppl is bad as well because it bleeds into real life, yes straight ppl can read lgbt works if they aren’t fetishizing it but the whole discussion is based around straight men in the comments fetishizing wlw, use ur common sense bro.

    Hotmeat June 29, 2021 12:00 am
    “straight girl reading bl is also very bad” so we can’t read romance stories now based on our sexuality??(im not straight btw)anyone can read them as long as they aren’t fetishizing onto real life wlw a... sunassplif

    Fetishizing fictional gay ppl is bad as well because it bleeds into real life, yes straight ppl can read lgbt works if they aren’t fetishizing it but the whole discussion is based around straight men in the comments fetishizing wlw, use ur common sense bro. (( Mb for repeating myself it didn’t respond to u))