Yall really just want to make ML evil, while making FL saint bc you know she had depresson. Yall like: NOOOO WE WILL NOT EVEN CONSIDER THAT ML ALSO HAD HARD LIFE! WE WILL NOT CONSIDER THAT HE WAS THREATENED FROM EVERY CORNER AND SPIED, SO IF ANYTHING THEY COULD KILL HIS WIFE! NOOOO WE WILL NOT CONSIDER HIS SUFFERINGS AND INABILITY TO RECEIVE HELP AS ILLEGITIMATE CHILD BC HE IS ON THE DUKE'S POSITION!! Even tho FL is also on duchess position too........WE WILL OVERLOOK AAAAAAAALLL THAT JUST BC FL IS DEPRESSED! AND SHE DIED!! tho duke also died and regretted everything and was blamed by his son bc of the deeds he could not control at that time....
That is how yall thinking and dont even want to read another person's arguments just bc they have an opposite view than you, but will hype those who have the same view.
i’m sure everyone here thinks that the Duke had a crappy life, maybe even more so than Reina’s, but one thing that gets on my nerves is his lack of effort to change his ways. His small, incremental, changes is overshadowed with Reina’s determination to changer her and her baby’s fate. And don’t get me wrong, what happened to the Duke is really traumatic but he is someone who has so much power and money to be able to make BIG changes to protect his wife and child if he wanted to— meanwhile Reina receives little to no respect but is still able to make drastic changes that becomes favourable to her.
i’m sure everyone here thinks that the Duke had a crappy life, maybe even more so than Reina’s, but one thing that gets on my nerves is his lack of effort to change his ways. His small, incremental, changes... @Anonymous
Duke even if has money dont have ppl to backup him. Even if he were to hire someone he would be either exposed or hired ppl would be killed. And he was determined to change. But you now see how if she just stated her position would have changed the whooole situation. Bc she only is threatened by her father. While duke can not freely move. They say, with greater position greater troubles and responsibilities. He had not only work that could affect the lives of soooo many ppl, but also he had to deal with emperors threats! He had no power, only title. And Reina did not do anything drastic. She could have done those things as she is doing now easily. Stated she is duchess and thats all! She did not even needed to prove she has powers! With only that much she changed her life. But what abt duke? What do y oi u expect him to do? Again he is cornered, while FL was attacked only from fathers side. Only word she is duchess stopped her from being disregarded by servants and duke could have supported her. But on first timeline she was just another responsibility he should have beared and that was stopping him from other actions. Propose, what could have he done? I can propose FL could have just voiced her position, but what abt ML?
Oh come the fk on. He did the same thing to Reina as his mother. He left her in a cold room. Took her child away. Rolin
First. It was really reasonable why his father did that. It was his step mother who was cruel and tried to kill the ML. Second, he was in love with FL but was attacked and cornered. It was not him who took away the child it was FLs father who made it that way pusing dukes ex into household affairs. Before saying, read again manga pls. He had no other choices. Again, you just ignore his situation saying he could have done that or that. He said that FLs father put spies so if anything duke do smth nice to FL, spies would kill his daughter.
First. It was really reasonable why his father did that. It was his step mother who was cruel and tried to kill the ML. Second, he was in love with FL but was attacked and cornered. It was not him who took away... Misa_03
True! FL's father planted spies so one wrong move from him that time and his wife and son will freaking die! He was freaking cornered.
Yall really just want to make ML evil, while making FL saint bc you know she had depresson. Yall like: NOOOO WE WILL NOT EVEN CONSIDER THAT ML ALSO HAD HARD LIFE! WE WILL NOT CONSIDER THAT HE WAS THREATENED FROM EVERY CORNER AND SPIED, SO IF ANYTHING THEY COULD KILL HIS WIFE! NOOOO WE WILL NOT CONSIDER HIS SUFFERINGS AND INABILITY TO RECEIVE HELP AS ILLEGITIMATE CHILD BC HE IS ON THE DUKE'S POSITION!! Even tho FL is also on duchess position too........WE WILL OVERLOOK AAAAAAAALLL THAT JUST BC FL IS DEPRESSED! AND SHE DIED!! tho duke also died and regretted everything and was blamed by his son bc of the deeds he could not control at that time....
That is how yall thinking and dont even want to read another person's arguments just bc they have an opposite view than you, but will hype those who have the same view.
*critical thinking* where?