Just my thoughts

Ylils June 27, 2021 12:07 pm

Honestly, I am getting bored of everything. I’m bored of reading mangas/manhwas/manhuas. I’m bored inside my home. I’m bored of watching anime and kdramas. I’m so bored idk what to do. I wanted to try crocheting but I don’t have enough money to buy the materials. I want to go back to school and be with my friends. Being inside our house makes me feel bored and I am fucking tired of my mom telling me that I am getting so skinny like bones. I wanna travel right now and delete all socials. I wanna be rich and successful. I want to be able to eat vegetables and any food. LMAO ANYWAYS STAN TXT BABES<3

    Lim Kyungsoo June 27, 2021 12:11 pm

    Wow I felt exactly the same last year, even with crocheting lmaooo. I got all the equipment and started recently

    Zenitsu June 27, 2021 12:31 pm

    Fr I understand this I use to love reading mangas and all don't get me wrong I still do but I just don't feel as happy reading them now and the anime even though it could be super short it would feel like for ever, these days I leave my room about 4/24 of the day lol .