Chapter 8

Swan June 27, 2021 11:29 am

I am very thankful for the translation but I have to point out chapter 8 is completely out of order and makes little sense rn

    meow June 27, 2021 11:36 am

    I rearranged the pages & put a report in for it but it's been pending for a couple days now, no idea when/if they're gonna get around to posting the updated chapter :/

    Swan June 27, 2021 3:02 pm
    I rearranged the pages & put a report in for it but it's been pending for a couple days now, no idea when/if they're gonna get around to posting the updated chapter :/ meow

    Oh I hear you bro that suucks and we know how long anything takes to be fixed on this site. Thank you for trying though, hopefully they get it together

    meow June 27, 2021 3:32 pm
    Oh I hear you bro that suucks and we know how long anything takes to be fixed on this site. Thank you for trying though, hopefully they get it together Swan

    Yeah hopefully soon! Tbh I wonder if they just don't even wanna bother with it at this point though, I sent in another report a while ago afterwards with the raws and they processed that one pretty quick lmao. Not sure if they just prioritize the raws or if I did something wrong in my report or something. >_>