it's possible but that author hasn't been as confrontational as this author (like they brought up illegal uploads and threatened to kill themselves, but haven't confronted anyone directly so some ppl are still uploading). i'm pretty sure the original uploaders stopped but some other ppl picked it up even after the author started talking about illegal uploads. The topics on blind play though are completely about the author and not the story.

the author threatened to kill themselves if people don't stop ilegally uploading blind play. i've heard that they also insulted both illegal and legal readers (which i don't understand why you'd go after legal readers). most of the backlash i've seen about the author is mostly about threatening to kill themself

These illegal websites place an extreme amount of stress onto the author to point that it can cause them to become depressed because of it. They’re losing money, constantly disrespected and probably feel like the job their doing is all for nothing. I understand why they feel so stressed out to the point of wanting to off themselves. It’s really difficult for them that these sites exist.

The went after 1 legal reader, and it’s cause they saw an edit that the legal reader made but using illegal translations. So they asked the legal reader for proof that they bought it. But the legal reader just ignored the author and didn’t respond for almost 2 months. Which caused the author to believe they were lying about being a legal reader. Also the legal reader recommended somebody to use this site to read KS. So that didn’t really help their case.
does anyone have a list of manhwa that will be removed or banned from this site? I want to write it down.