kuroonavirus June 27, 2021 6:40 am

Y'all every just had someone be plan disrespectful to you for no reason? Like this stupid ass bitch fucking said "at least I have a mom" to me knowing she's dead. Like stfu with your don't know how to twerk ass. Yeah that's right I got videos of you trying to twerk when we had sleepovers and don't think I'm not afraid to post them and send them to everyone in our class. If your reading this just know that I will beat your ass again any day. So if I every see you again be ready to catch these hands!

    neji June 27, 2021 6:43 am

    go off bestie!

    Ren June 27, 2021 6:45 am

    I think some people just get so caught up in their asses that they start believing that being an an asshole means “winning” an argument. It’s honestly really pathetic. The fact that people can’t have basic human decency is just sad