as far as i know, this is not an ABO story but ci nian has a special condition that makes him able to get pregnant. it's a rare condition where man can get pregnants. idk how it works but i've seen this on tiktok where a guy told that he was pregnant. idk if that's real or not but i think it can be happen. sorry tmi:(

Nope..it's not an alpha omega story..it's a legit medical condition Called "True hermaphroditism"..There's also psudo hermaphroditism..In true hermaphroditism ..theres male type and female type..in male type.. a person has external male genitalia (hence called male type) and internal female genitalia(uke has this..so he can get pregnant)..In case of female type it's vice versa..And pseudo hermaphroditism is totally different. .nothing to do with genitalia.so lets not go there. I read that in my pathology book in my med school 4rth year..it's really interesting. I've seen a baby having this condition. It's was really hard for the parents to understand the condition but it's a congenital malformationwhere hormones playmain role. So they could do nothing. In these cases we wait for the patient to grow like a normal child.. and see if the child develops male or female attributes more and thus select a single gender according to the patient's preference and resect the other via surgery.
Someone pls explain I'm reading chapter 13 and i still have no idea how he got pregnant. Is this like an omega and an alpha situation?