How's vasya gay?? Surely he's bi? Like just because you are in a straight/gay relationship, don't mean you aren't bi. That's bi erasure.. that's what I've seen all bi people say
That's his sexual identity!! And Nobody get to fucking question it! It's 21st century if a someone even in real life wanna be identified as a fucking door you call them that! You don't question them oh how you are a door!? That's disrespectful telling from personal experience
Well when I think they say gay here it might be using it in the umbrella term wise but I understand fully what u say Tweaks
Yeah I think so.. I'm bi curious myself so I visit a lot of related subreddits and they meme about bi erasure a lot so I thought I'd say. Like even in that part with the cousin, he was clearly attracted to women(air hostess) too but Yoon said he's only gay not bi.
Yeah I think so.. I'm bi curious myself so I visit a lot of related subreddits and they meme about bi erasure a lot so I thought I'd say. Like even in that part with the cousin, he was clearly attracted to wome... Pretty_eyes
I honest to god think the part with the air hostess was part of his self-closeting. Like, he only thought of her as attractive because that’s what he thinks straight men are supposed to think. He’s in denial.
I honest to god think the part with the air hostess was part of his self-closeting. Like, he only thought of her as attractive because that’s what he thinks straight men are supposed to think. He’s in denia... An Absolute Unit
How's vasya gay?? Surely he's bi? Like just because you are in a straight/gay relationship, don't mean you aren't bi. That's bi erasure.. that's what I've seen all bi people say