Forgive (and to be honest I’m not that invested in Matthew and Cheon woo as a couple yet anyway) but I would like the see Cheon and Brandon have sex please.
Like even if it’s just once or in flashbacks, I want it for the visuals
Edit: the way ppl are going off in the comments you guys make it seem like wanting to see sex in a yaoi story is criminal
Umm please no. Their relationship prob was toxic. Sorry but for me just nope BACKOFF
“Their relationship prob was toxic” you know what, fair is fair and you’re probably right which is the only reason why I’ll digress but you otherwise let ppl have opinions in peace.
But again I’ll give you this though just cause the nature of their relationship maybe really wasn’t healthy
The second half of this post keeps disappearing so I’ll leave it here.
I only made my comment because Brandon Lee is aesthetically pleasing to *me*. anyway someone mentioned he was prob toxic to Cheon so I’ll acknowledge my comment wrong in that regard.
Forgive (and to be honest I’m not that invested in Matthew and Cheon woo as a couple yet anyway) but I would like the see Cheon and Brandon have sex please.
Like even if it’s just once or in flashbacks, I want it for the visuals
Edit: the way ppl are going off in the comments you guys make it seem like wanting to see sex in a yaoi story is criminal