mine was a yuri on ice dj where victor was kidnapped and raped and mutilated. He didn't like it at all, it was so fucking brutal that it made me cry. I thought he fucking died at the end but thankfully there was a continuation where Yuri did find him and he was in a hospital bed and he was just happy that he was saved and he said to Yuri that it might take him a long time to recover and Yuri was all like, even if they won't have sex forever as long as he's here and with him that's all he wants. Literally made me sob because it actually showed the aftermath how it destroyed Victor and Yuri but most especially Victor. Just thinking back about that dj makes me goddamn emotional.
After reading so many similar disturbing Mangas I belive this one was the least disturbing for me, I remember reading one where kuro (haikyuu[forgot how to spell it]) got capture by some green things and he was f*cked, then after months he became addicted to the s*x and was pregnant, some may say that this is the same thing but for some reason the goblins in this one didn't look as bad as in other ones, and idk why but this didn't have as much of an impact on me as the kurro one ( I couldn't forget about the kurro one for months, I felt bad whenever I thought of it)