Celyn June 27, 2021 12:58 am

what is incarnation, constellation and sponsor in the game ?pls im suck in english
my vrain doesnt support me haha thank u

    busano June 27, 2021 1:14 am

    well my english is not that good either but... i think constellations are people that were important during history? and they choose the people they want to sponsor. the person that chooses them becomes an incarnation of them!

    Celyn June 27, 2021 1:29 am
    well my english is not that good either but... i think constellations are people that were important during history? and they choose the people they want to sponsor. the person that chooses them becomes an inca... busano

    oh my thank u i got it now
    im just little confused what is constellation

    Historia Zen June 27, 2021 4:15 am
    oh my thank u i got it now im just little confused what is constellation Celyn

    Constellations are either great Historical figures and mythological figures like greek gods, Angels, hindu mythology and even animals from chinesw zodiac. Basically Constellations are higher beings or people with great and big stories to back them up.

    Celyn June 27, 2021 4:37 am
    Constellations are either great Historical figures and mythological figures like greek gods, Angels, hindu mythology and even animals from chinesw zodiac. Basically Constellations are higher beings or people wi... Historia Zen

    okay im about in chap 14 to 16 can u explain what does the MC talking about the streaming
    ..cause i dont understand

    Historia Zen June 27, 2021 4:52 am
    okay im about in chap 14 to 16 can u explain what does the MC talking about the streaming ..cause i dont understand Celyn

    So, basically it's like online streaming where they were watched by constellations when doing the scenarios. That's also the reason why scenarios exist. Dokkhaebi's would make scenarios and it's the incarnations task to overcome that. If they were able to create interesting scenario, More constellations would enter the stream to watch them and that means more power for the dokkaebis

    Celyn June 27, 2021 5:40 am
    So, basically it's like online streaming where they were watched by constellations when doing the scenarios. That's also the reason why scenarios exist. Dokkhaebi's would make scenarios and it's the incarnation... Historia Zen

    oh okay okay i Get it now thank u so much