This manga is the first omegaverse i read and it leads me to read the other omegaverse man...

mishiranu_bito August 14, 2016 3:52 am

This manga is the first omegaverse i read and it leads me to read the other omegaverse manga... i really like this manga and i found the ending so cute

Better read this mang again :3

    agathat August 14, 2016 6:14 am

    Is there another manga about omegas and alphas?

    Anonymous August 14, 2016 8:48 am
    Is there another manga about omegas and alphas? agathat

    There are some pretty good Attack on Titan djs with the omega verse theme

    mishiranu_bito August 15, 2016 2:20 am
    Is there another manga about omegas and alphas? agathat

    yes, alot ^^

    agathat August 15, 2016 3:02 pm

    Cool... I normally don't read dj except if it is one created by the same mangaka that did the original... I think sex pistols has a little of omegas and alphas but not sure if it is omegaverse...

    Can you recommend some no-djs omegaverses?