I toootally get the mc, I mean, donating sperm is not something so light, but it’s even ...

10__GROM June 26, 2021 10:57 pm

I toootally get the mc, I mean, donating sperm is not something so light, but it’s even worse if it’s for someone you know: because you could actually meet your son often and at that point the uke would be the “stranger”. The two women would be the moms, the seme would be the dad, and the uke would just be “the guy with the dad”. I really can’t understand why the seme can’t think of that. Also the female couple is asking for A LOT and they don’t seem mind it.

    The_Devils_Advocate June 26, 2021 11:05 pm

    Yeah, he would definitely take the father role, and there we have it. 2 moms and a dad. If Alex would donate to a totally strange couple, which he will never see and such, it would be a different matter. But like this, he is going to make a family with someone who is not his partner. A no go for me.

    10__GROM June 26, 2021 11:09 pm
    Yeah, he would definitely take the father role, and there we have it. 2 moms and a dad. If Alex would donate to a totally strange couple, which he will never see and such, it would be a different matter. But li... The_Devils_Advocate

    The problem here is that the uke dosen’t even know the women so well: I mean if the were all friends, maybe in that case if the uke had another personality yes. But as right now it’s a really big no.
    (To the seme) that man pointed a gun to your face and he does love you, so how could you think he would have taken well something like this?????

    The_Devils_Advocate June 26, 2021 11:15 pm
    The problem here is that the uke dosen’t even know the women so well: I mean if the were all friends, maybe in that case if the uke had another personality yes. But as right now it’s a really big no.(To the... 10__GROM

    I seriously wouldn't make a child, while still being with someone who pointed a gun at me.
    I wouldn't be together with such a person at all.
    I would have called the police.
    Even if Cloe is not wrong THIS TIME.