My Spanish is probably as bad as yours, but I didn't see any sort of recognition that the rape did happen, let alone apology. Also read the novel via Google translate and didn't see that either, but consider that Google translate isn't the best and I had trouble reading it due to untranslatable language differences
Here's vol.1 on google:
Spoilers ahead...
When Louis wakes up in pampered prison he acts as if this rape didn't happen and he and maettel are all like i missed u and shit and i'm seriously asking wtholy fuck?
At that point maettel learned he was the father and that louis was drugged by weyton that night. Lewis also knows he was drugged and that was why his memory was erased. He also knows it isn't weyton at that point so now he thinks the father of the baby is some matquis. But I'm less bothered about the baby daddy reveal than the rape reaction skip. I hope I missed something in the translation bc my spanish is so bad. Please tell me there was an apology, acknowledgement or smt.