Why tf did the arthor cut out their outing for this women.. he hasn't seen the town in yea...

Celestia June 26, 2021 1:14 pm

Why tf did the arthor cut out their outing for this women.. he hasn't seen the town in years and they cut that out? For what? They could have added this woman in as they were returning home not before they got the chance to enjoy the day out feels like a fuck up to me what a disappointing loss I was so excited to see his happy face as he gets to see his people living and being happy but NVM ig .-.

    Cochki June 28, 2021 6:07 am

    Seems you are used to those “you get your fill in a whole episode,” kind of stories. This genre isn't your average kind of webtoon. Haven't you taken notice? A whole day isn't going to make a person happy realistically. But in a easier on webtoon it can. I advise you to go back to those comics you like before if this doesn't suit your style, because it's going to get worse.

    Celestia July 12, 2021 8:11 pm
    Seems you are used to those “you get your fill in a whole episode,” kind of stories. This genre isn't your average kind of webtoon. Haven't you taken notice? A whole day isn't going to make a person happy r... Cochki

    What? I never said he had to be happy or I'd get my fill off of just one chapter that sounds stupid as fuck I'm saying it was dumb of the arthor to ruin it like that just because a woman jumped in front of the carriage it should have been at least when they was returning home