
Olivia June 26, 2021 9:43 am

i like how these people are making very real mistakes and reacting accordingly to these mistakes with shame and embarrassment. they aren’t perfect characters that do things at just the right time to further the plot. they are dealing with emotions as teenagers trying to grasp these new situations they’re in and emotions they’re feeling. they can feel confusion and sympathy and the fact that he relates to tsurugi in that his emotions have blocked off certain ways he could react or want to react to better his situation is so accurate. there are so many times where these emotions or traumas make your brain freeze up and while it’s easy to judge from afar and say that tsurugi should just talk it out with his friend or sayama should talk to saikawa and have an actual conversation about what the both of them are feeling before it escalates, oftentimes it’s hard to confront these situations. they’re confusing, scary, and hard to navigate if you’ve never seen them play out before, and as teenagers, this is the first time they’re in these situations and feeling these specific feelings especially in this magnitude. we’ve seen a lot of vulnerability from them thus far and that isn’t easy in itself. confronting the situation as it is and sayama taking accountability and apologizing to the girl for what he said is commendable. he was carrying a lot of baggage with him because of the guilt and shame he felt about the way he reacted, but the fact that that didn’t play a part in his apology was really great to see. it seemed as if he wasn’t apologizing so that he could feel better about himself but to let her know of his feelings. i can imagine that this was the first time tsurugi was able to tell his side of the story or was even asked to and that must be relieving but also overwhelming in its own way. recounting that story probably brought back all of those emotions he was feeling during the time it took place. it was probably scary especially considering that he didn’t know how sayama was going to react. he was probably preparing for the worst and preparing for him to accuse him of lying or reject his point of view altogether. sayama did so well in that situation though because he could see things from his point of view as someone who also carried the same kind of burden and i’m just so proud of these characters. i honestly can’t wait to see where this goes and if anyone has actually read this all, i commend you.
