Yes ;_; the story is much better in korean. Probably in my top 3 BLs of all time. Eunsung and soohyun's interactions are soooooo well done and funny also the sexual tension and it really shows how possessive soohyun is and how flirty and soft eunsung is...the English translations aren't doing it justice at all. English readers, hang in there. Maybe someone will pick this up and do gods work. ┗( T﹏T )┛

Haha that's right, eunsung is really really adorable. My favourite scene is when after he gets punched (earlier he threatens to punch eunsung"s face but he couldn't bring himself to and later actually stops someone from punching his face...soohyun is such a tsundere) anyway he tells soohyun after that "Ah, serioulsy...i wish we should have met normally, who knows? We could have been really good friends..." which makes soohyun mad and he says "You're saying this bullshit about being friends again..." hahaha eunsung flirts with soohyun way too much even if it is to tease him.
Also before they enter the exhibition, soohyun asks him "Why are you here? Have you lost your mind? Who are you here to flirt with?" And eunsung says "Um, you?" Hahaha he came to this exhibition despite knowing he'd face that Munseop bastard and the press would be on him, but letting soohyun go alone didn't sit well with him (since the stalker told him he had orders to bring soohyun to munseop)
Also whenever eunsung starts to get depressed and apathetic about how gross munseop is during the exhibition, Soohyun always came through and saved him. ;_; I could go on and on....the censorship has really ruined this great manhwa ┗( T﹏T )┛

Yes plenty of scenes are in the upcoming chapters so hang in there. They're the cutest. I'll maybe translate some scenes in the comments after they appear if they don't do justice to the original dialogues ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
However I doubt they're show the sex scenes that are coming which are downright the most fun scenes hahaha soohyun melts in eunsung's hands like candle wax all the while cursing at him and pulling at his hair with tears streaming down his face...soohyun-ah is most pretty when he cries...
My favourite moments when they have sex after the hotel room, since eunsung found out soohyun gets turned on when he calls his name out-loud, he says it so many times in the upcoming scenes...
I wish they didn't censor at least the dialogues during the steamy scenes...they're the best parts of the manhwa. They censored so many panels in the hotel room chapter - like when eunsung cums after eunsung calls his name repeatedly, eunsung is slightly surprised and says, "What, you really came? Do you have a fetish for having your name called? Or is your ear your exogenous zone?" (As in he has sensitive ears hahaha) after that he calls soohyun by his name whenever they do the deed, and soohyun tells him to "Fuck off. Stop calling me by my name, bastard..." hahaha
I was very disappointed to see how they butchered that chapter so in the future readers won't even know the significance why he calls his name when they have sex...

Yes :((( even the first time they had "sex" on the day they reunited, eunsung actually told soohyun "Mr. Reporter's body is as sensitive and honest like he is himself..." that's how actually a key point on how eunsung has always seen soohyun, since he recognized him right away when they met, but they cut that out in the censored version because there was an explicit scene at that moment. Eunsung had obviously noticed soohyun's anger at him during their high school, and moreover a future chapter flashback of their past, he also sees soohyun crying while looking at him on graduation day, so he knows he's actually sensitive hehehe...he remembered all that, along with how he looked in his glasses, the pens he used to have in high school (the same eunsung had), just the fact that he used the glasses as leverage (just to see him in his old look from school) and he had knows soohyun was using the same pen he did even after 10 years....man, he //knows// soohyun and that's why he says "You're different from the others. It's cute. The way you hate me." ┗( T﹏T )┛eunsung even defends him to his friend later on in the coming chapters and even to his friend working for munseop who was reluctant about trusting soohyun ("he's honest and he can be trusted"- about soohyun - so he would say yes to being interviewed by soohyun) though he knew he would get scolded by soohyun again for interfering lol. He was like "ah...will he get pissed off if I sent thsi?" Hahaha

2nd hand embarrassment? But why? It would be hard not to notice it, but it could be potentially what intrigued him, because unlike the others who were surrounding him that kissed his ass, soohyun copying his stationary would normally indicate that he LIKED him but he acted very hostile to him, which would confuse anyone. Eunsung just found it cute hahaha (though I think he noticed on their last day that mayhaps soohyun liked him all along, which was different from the way others liked him) you'll see in the future hehe (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
I wouldn't say they're close yet in the "friends" way, but both of them have been trying to invade into each others life. Eunsung by trying to go to his house (lol he gets rejected everytime and he's like 'what are you hiding in there? A pot of gold?) And soohyun obviously has stated many times he wants to dictate every inch of his life, moreover, he said in the Hotel chapter, "Why am I the only one who doesn't know about this? (Munseop situation) I should be the one who knows you best." Hahaha, for me the second hand embarrassment came at the moment when eunsung told soohyun he remembered him (next time wear your glasses, like you did back then) and soohyun pretends to not recognize him up until that point hahaha (ah was it you, jung eunsung?") He knows it's pathetic to have been played into his game of not pretending to know the other, also he actually couldn't believe eunsung would remember him at all. Especially after their first meeting where he was feeling taken aback lol. He thought his feelings were one-sided so he was naturally at a loss, but he just made the situation even funnier from eunsung's side - who knew he "liked" him since school etc etc. I think eunsung just finds him even cuter and funnier when he acts all high and mighty in front of him and he lets him

It begs the question: why even license an explicit, intensely sexual and psychological sorry of you're just gonna water it down? I can't remember if it was this story or another one where one of the officially translated chapters was basically about 4 pages long cuz they cut out all the explicit content lol.
Just for a head ups for the English readers, not just the sex scenes are censored, but even the dialogues are censored so it's not exactly same as the raws but like an indirect translation. For example: soohyun texts eunsung at the end and says "Let's get all this shit sorted out, fucking asshole." In Korean. Also after soohyun catches eunsung catching the stalker on his behalf, he is pissed and says 'this damn fucker, I explicitly told him I didn't want this (as in him worrying about soohyun) Always doing what he wants/interfering where he doesn't need to, ruining my plans."
Nevertheless, I'll never be not upset at how they ruined this masterpiece *insert look how they butchered my boy meme from Godfather* censoring sex scenes was stupid enough but even the dialogues...why would you even do this...
Anyway, in the next episode, eunsung is gonna dress up pretty for soohyun when he comes to see him because he knows soohyun is weak to his face and he dresses up for him so he won't get scolded ㅋㅋㅋㅋ he's so cuteeeeee ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ